(香港17:45) 馬場状態
芝 1200m Class 2 賞金:HK$ 1,650,000
着順 馬番 予想印 馬名 枠番 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 馬体重 単勝オッズ U
タイム 着差 通過順
1 2 ストラスモア 4 セ4 57.6 C.スコフィールド A.ミラード 539 2.9 (1) *** 1.10.25 2-3-1
2 9 アクセプテッド 1 セ3 53.1 C Y Ho C.ファウンズ 505 4.6 (3) *** 1.10.30 クビ 5-5-2
3 12 ベルリン 11 セ5 52.2 T H So D J Hall 469 74 (12) *** 1.10.35 クビ 12-12-3
4 3 チャリティージョイ 10 セ5 57.2 N.カラン C S Shum 507 16 (6) *** 1.10.39 クビ 1-2-4
5 8 オールグレートフレンズ 6 セ5 54.4 M.ギュイヨン L.ケネウェル 481 10 (4) *** 1.10.42 短頭 3-1-5
6 1 エロイカ 8 セ5 58.1 J.モレイラ J.サイズ 520 4.5 (2) *** 1.10.58 1 8-8-6
7 7 サンニカシオ 5 セ4 54.9 Y T Cheng J.ムーア 494 49 (11) *** 1.10.60 短頭 7-7-7
8 5 ホワイホワイ 9 セ5 55.3 Z.パートン P.オサリバン 536 12 (5) *** 1.10.63 短頭 10-9-8
9 6 プレシジョンキング 2 セ7 55.3 K C Ng T P Yung 538 19 (8) *** 1.10.71 1/2 4-4-9
10 10 BIG FOUR 7 セ6 53.1 K.リョン C W Chang 502 18 (7) *** 1.10.83 3/4 9-11-10
11 4 HARBOUR PUNK 12 セ5 56.7 K.ティータン D Cruz 481 46 (10) *** 1.10.83 ハナ 11-10-11
12 11 ハッピーバオベイ 3 セ6 53.1 R Fourie Y S Tsui 519 22 (9) *** 1.11.10 1-3/4 6-6-12
レースタイム23.78 46.51 (1.10.25)
セクションタイム23.78 22.73 23.74


馬連2 - 9$79.00
ワイド2 - 9$35.50
2 - 12$353.50
9 - 12$526.50
3連複2 - 9 - 12$1,975.00
3連単2 - 9 - 12$5,565.00
4連複2 - 3 - 9 - 12$2,675.00
4連単2 - 9 - 12 - 3$42,711.00


1着STRATHMORE  C Schofield  (B/TT)

Began well and handily placed behind the early leader, 1 off the fence. Well placed on the turn, and got the nose in front at the 50m. Did just enough to hold off two fast finishing placegetters.


Began only fairly before finding a position forward of midfield, on the rail. Became unsettled and checked off heels 800m. Gave the winner 2L on the turn, but chased hard to go down a diminishing 0.3L at the wire.

3着BERLINI  T H So  (H)

Dropped back from the wide barrier to sit last, on the rail with cover. 10L last and left with plenty to do on the turn. Showed a great turn of foot, and finished off strongly, despite being awkwardly placed last 50m.

4着CHARITY JOY  N Callan  (B/TT)

Pushed out to be the early leader, before eventually being crossed at the 600m. Ran on well in the straight, just fading late and missing a place by the barest of margins.


Began well, but stuck 3 wide forward of midfield before pushing forward to lead at the 800m. Still in control at the 150m, but peaked soon after and swamped late.

6着EROICO  J Moreira  (B)

Jumped out the best of them before being eased to find cover, midfield 1 off the fence. Came wider on the turn, and responded well early in the straight, before flattening out late.

7着SAN NICASIO  Y T Cheng  (H)

OK away and found a position midfield, on the rails. Lay in down the straight, and never fully tested over the last 100m.

8着WHY WHY  Z Purton  (B/TT1)

Dropped back from the jump to sit just forward of the back markers, on the rail. Plugged away late to be only 2.3L off the winner, but still well beaten.


Began well and handily placed behind the early leader, on the rail. One paced the trip, and easily passed in the straight.

10着BIG FOUR  K C Leung  (H)

Dropped back early to be near the tail of the field, 1 off the fence. Unsettled early and was forced 4-5 wide at the 800m. Unlucky at the top of the straight, and taken widest. Too much to do late and never in it.

11着HARBOUR PUNK  K Teetan  (XB)

Dropped back from the wide draw to sit at the rear of the field, 1 off the fence. Gave nothing in the straight, and plugged to the line.

12着HAPPY BAO BEI  R Fourie  (H/TT)

Began OK and steadied early to sit near midfield, 1 off the fence. Forced wider to sit 3 wide, no cover from the 800m. Widest on the turn, but never responded to any persuasion and dropped out late.

『レース結果・払戻金・オッズなどのデータは、必ず主催者(The Hong Kong Jockey Club)発行のものと照合してください。』