(香港14:30) 馬場状態
4R 香港特別行政区長官盃(HC)
芝 1200m Class 1 賞金:HK$ 3,465,000
着順 馬番 予想印 馬名 枠番 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 馬体重 単勝オッズ U
タイム 着差 通過順
1 9 ラッキースワイネス 6 セ4 52.2 S.デソウサ K.マン 538 2.1 (1) *** 1.08.58 3-3-1
2 7 カンピオーネ 7 セ3 51.3 M.プーン A.クルーズ 503 13 (6) *** 1.09.10 3-1/4 2-2-2
3 4 デュークワイ 2 セ7 55.3 C.チャウ P.ン 518 10 (4) *** 1.09.14 クビ 10-10-3
4 3 スーパーウェルシー 3 セ7 58.5 L.カリー D.ヘイズ 547 16 (8) *** 1.09.41 1-3/4 8-7-4
5 2 ラッキーパッチ 4 セ6 55.3 Y.チャン P.ン 552 14 (7) *** 1.09.46 クビ 7-9-5
6 10 トリリオンウィン 1 セ6 52.2 A.バデル K.マン 578 5.3 (2) *** 1.09.68 1-1/4 5-4-6
7 5 ハーモニーアンドリッチ 8 セ6 53.1 L.ヒューイットソン Y.ツイ 533 74 (9) *** 1.09.72 クビ 1-1-7
8 6 ウィニングドリーマー 9 セ6 53.1 C.ホー F.ロー 536 6.9 (3) *** 1.09.84 3/4 6-6-8
9 1 スカイフィールド 10 セ6 61.2 K.ティータン C.ファウンズ 543 12 (5) *** 1.10.05 1-1/4 9-8-9
10 8 キープユーウォーム 5 セ5 53.1 A.アムラン K.ルイ 516 75 (10) *** 1.10.84 5 4-5-10
レースタイム23.25 45.56 (1:08.58)
セクションタイム23.25 22.31 23.02


馬連7 - 9$170.00
ワイド7 - 9$60.00
4 - 9$41.50
4 - 7$243.00
3連複4 - 7 - 9$602.00
3連単9 - 7 - 4$1,752.00
4連複3 - 4 - 7 - 9$1,096.00
4連単9 - 7 - 4 - 3$12,482.00



Was wide in midfield early before coming across near 800m (rider suspended) & racing third away from rail. Sprinted very powerfully passing the 250m, drew away in final furlong despite hanging down to rail & won easily.

2着CAMPIONE  M F Poon  (TT)

Showed customary early speed but couldn't get to lead & raced second. Couldn't sprint with impressive winner passing 250m but closed off well to hold well beaten second.

3着DUKE WAI  C L Chau  (B/H)

Had no early speed & shared last place. Was hampered by checked horse near 750m & held up on straightening before again having no clear run mid-straight. Shifted inwards at 200m before closing strongly to just miss second.

4着SUPER WEALTHY  L Currie  (H-)

Raced worse than midfield along the rail before getting badly checked & losing ground near the 800m. Effectively shared last place on straightening before closing off ok in final stages & ran ok considering interference.

5着LUCKY PATCH  Y L Chung  (H/V)

Raced just worse than midfield between runners in early stages before being steadied near the 600m & being shuffled back to the tail. Bumped on cornering when 4.5L from the lead before passing a couple when running onto 5th.

6着TRILLION WIN  A Badel  (B)

Raced in midfield along the rail before being checked & losing ground near the 800m. Recovered to improve to 4th place along the rail on straightening before weakening in final 250m to be well beaten (Bled).


Showed dazzling early speed to lead. Continued in front until being passed by winner at 225m before weakening quickly in final stages to be beaten over 7L.


Was trapped wide before drifting back to race worse than midfield before being left deep & without cover from the 800m. Was 4L from the lead on straightening but did little in the last section & weakened to be beaten 8L.

9着SKY FIELD  K Teetan  (H/TT)

Had no early speed & raced at the tail. Moved wider on the track approaching the 750m when horses checked in front. Bumped & forced very wide from 550m, was 4.5L behind on straightening when the widest but failed to run on.

10着KEEP YOU WARM  A Hamelin  (B/XB)

Raced in midfield between runners before being crowded near the 800m. Was only 3.5L from the lead entering last section before weakening to long last.

『レース結果・払戻金・オッズなどのデータは、必ず主催者(The Hong Kong Jockey Club)発行のものと照合してください。』