(香港15:00) 馬場状態
芝 1800m Class 4 賞金:HK$ 675,000
着順 馬番 予想印 馬名 枠番 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 馬体重 単勝オッズ
タイム 着差 通過順
1 6 DRAGON VICTORY 9 セ5 59.4 M L Yeung A Lee 559 12 (7) *** 1.49.83 1-1-1-1-1
2 3 LET'S GOAL 13 セ4 59.9 W C Marwing A.クルーズ 497 7.9 (4) *** 1.49.90 クビ 3-2-2-2-2
3 5 SOUNDS EXCELLENT 11 セ5 59.9 B.プレブル L.ケネウェル 485 8.9 (6) *** 1.49.90 ハナ 11-12-11-12-3
4 10 MOON CHASER 7 セ7 55.8 A Suborics C.ファウンズ 543 26 (11) *** 1.50.00 1/2 2-4-4-3-4
5 13 EUPHEMISM 1 セ5 54.0 T.クラーク D E Ferraris 503 7.0 (3) *** 1.50.06 クビ 6-5-6-5-5
6 9 PANTHER RUN 6 セ6 56.2 Y T Cheng K W Lui 466 6.9 (2) *** 1.50.14 1/2 5-7-7-8-6
7 8 SOLDIER 5 セ7 58.5 C W Wong D J Hall 498 8.4 (5) *** 1.50.15 短頭 4-3-3-4-7
8 12 カーサジュニオール 10 セ4 54.9 M Du Plessis A.ミラード 484 26 (11) *** 1.50.42 1-3/4 10-10-8-6-8
9 14 BEST NOODLE 14 セ6 52.6 T H So L.ホー 511 73 (14) *** 1.50.56 3/4 12-14-13-14-9
10 11 GOLDMEN Y Y 3 セ6 55.3 K C Ng T K Ng 480 63 (13) *** 1.50.58 アタマ 8-9-10-10-10
11 7 GLORY OF INDIA 8 セ7 59.0 F Coetzee J.サイズ 462 4.6 (1) *** 1.50.62 アタマ 7-6-5-7-11
12 1 SUPER STRIKE 12 セ5 60.3 T Angland A Schutz 475 21 (10) *** 1.50.83 1-1/4 14-13-12-11-12
13 4 SICHUAN LEGEND 2 セ4 59.9 O.ドゥルーズ R.ギブソン 546 14 (8) *** 1.50.92 1/2 9-8-9-9-13
14 2 HAPPY CHA CHA 4 セ5 59.9 J Lloyd Y S Tsui 477 19 (9) *** 1.50.94 短頭 13-11-14-13-14
レースタイム14.31 37.47 1.2.44 1.26.58 (1.49.83)
セクションタイム14.31 23.16 24.97 24.14 23.25


馬連3 - 6$822.00
ワイド3 - 6$252.50
5 - 6$264.50
3 - 5$156.50
3連複3 - 5 - 6$2,126.00
3連単6 - 3 - 5$17,244.00
4連複3 - 5 - 6 - 10$12,722.00



Hard ridden to take the rail and led by 1L, clocked advantageous slow sectionals, just hung on to win.

2着LET'S GOAL  W C Marwing  (TT)

Hard ridden forward, sat outside leader, enjoyed the slow sectionals, ran on strongly, just beaten by narrow margin in 2nd.


Eased back, 7Ls off the leader 3-4 wide, dashed impressively 250M despite not suited by the slow pace, finished a remarkable 3rd.

4着MOON CHASER  A Suborics  (V/TT)

Pushed forward, settled 2.5Ls off the leader 2 wide, enjoyed by the slow tempo, closed off well to the line but not good enough to challenge the winner.

5着EUPHEMISM  T Clark  (TT)

Eased to sit in front of midfield, 3.5Ls off the leader, harmed by the slow pace, lack room 400M, dashed well when clear.

6着PANTHER RUN  Y T Cheng  (TT)

Midfield, 4.5Ls off the leader 2 wide, not suited by the slow tempo, little dash 300M.


Pushed to obtain box seat, favoured by the slow sectionals, lack room 400M, just held ground when clear.

8着CASA JUNIOR  M Du Plessis

Eased back, 5.5Ls off the leader, trapped 3-4 wide, not suited by the slow tempo, dashed well 400M, however run ended 150M.


Eased to rear, 8.5Ls off the leader, trapped 3-4 wide, harmed by the slow pace, dashed well 200M despite all negative racing situations.

10着GOLDMEN Y Y  K C Ng  (SR)

Eased to sit behind midfield, 6Ls off the leader 2-3 wide, harmed by the slow tempo, ran on ok.

11着GLORY OF INDIA  F Coetzee  (TT)

Midfield, 4Ls off the leader 2 wide, not suited by the slow pace, no turn of foot.

12着SUPER STRIKE  T Angland  (B)

Eased back, 7Ls off the leader on the rails, harmed by the slow tempo, blocked most straight, just ran on.

13着SICHUAN LEGEND  O Doleuze  (B)

Midfield, 5.5Ls off the leader along the fence, not suited by the slow tempo, no progress.

14着HAPPY CHA CHA  J Lloyd  (B)

Eased to rear, 8.5Ls off the leader 2-3 wide, harmed by the slow pace, no dash.

『レース結果・払戻金・オッズなどのデータは、必ず主催者(The Hong Kong Jockey Club)発行のものと照合してください。』