Race Info > S.T.Sun Palace - Jockey

S.T.Sun Palace

Deregistration Dark Bay 5Apr1993
OwnerShoji Imon
BreederSeiryu Bokujo
Earnings4.1M (JPY)
>> Detail
Bravest Roman
Pedigree ][ Progeny ]
Never Bend
Roman Song
Tsurumaru Mayumi
Pedigree ][ Son/Daughter ]
Nihon Pillow Winner
Shuzan Laurel
Last Race 17 May 1997 SANJO TOKUBETSU
Next Race
[ Result ] [ Progeny ]
Records Pedigree Track/Going Venue Distance Weight Jockey Time

Flat race

Jockey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
T.Chida 00100010.0000.0001.00000
E.Otsuka 00021580.0000.0000.00000
Y.Shibat 00000110.0000.0000.00000


Jockey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win

Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA