Race Info > Hiroyuki Oneda - Horse

Hiroyuki Oneda

Trainer NameHiroyuki Oneda[Active] BelongWEST
Age[sex]65[male] Career28
Date of birth31Jul1959 Lifetime win305
mark stands for sevice of VIP member
Overview Records Grade win Year Horse Fav Condition Venue Distance Jockey

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: ActiveAll
Horse name Born Sex Colour Record Earnings Sire Dam Dam's Sire
5- 2-10-33
104.3MFuriosoSix PocketsCharismatic
Make a Leap2019MChestnut
4- 5- 1- 3
91.1MSinister MinisterSpecial QueenSpecial Week
Air Force One2019MBay
1- 2-12-14
33.5MLien de FamilleLady LuckTaiki Shuttle
Tomoja Keya2020MBay
2- 4- 2- 5
26.9MPyroTomoja AllEmpire Maker
Tomoja Allemande2017MBay
1- 3- 4-20
26.8MSouth VigorousSunny RockKing Kamehameha
3- 0- 0- 6
24.5MSilver StateMiss EmpiricalPrecise End
Mia Stella2019MChestnut
2- 2- 4-12
20.5MDuramenteLune de SableMedicean
Sin Limites2019MBay
2- 2- 2-20
20.2MDrefongPoliahuKing Kamehameha
3- 1- 2-17
20.2MLeontesSouth EmpiricalManhattan Cafe
Malibu Pine2019FBay
2- 1- 0- 9
14.3MThe FactorShinwa VodkaSeeking the Dia
Black Souther2019MBlack
1- 4- 1-14
13.8MDanon LegendQueen's KimberleyZenno Rob Roy
2- 0- 0- 3
13.5MMoaninRaise a SmileBehkabad
Rayed Desert2021MChestnut
2- 2- 1- 3
11.8MMajestic WarriorGone CrazyGone West
1- 1- 1-11
10.4MDanon LegendRavie GuerlainSpecial Week
Tomoja Zan2021MBay
1- 1- 0- 1
8.8MMajestic WarriorTomoja AllEmpire Maker
Obakeno Kinta2020MBay
2- 1- 1- 8
8.4MMakfiTerano IrohaZenno Rob Roy
1- 0- 1- 1
7.6MDrefongWise AnswerSouth Vigorous
1- 0- 1- 2
7.5MDee MajestyChouchou FarrellTap Dance City
Show Dancer2022MBrown
1- 0- 0- 0
7.2MSinister MinisterKamakuraSymboli Kris S
Totatsu2022MDark Bay
1- 0- 0- 1
7.2MDanon LegendShonan DazzleShanghai Bobby
Lovisa2022FDark Bay
1- 0- 0- 1
7.2MLeontesSouth EmpiricalManhattan Cafe
Hurricane2022MDark Bay
1- 0- 0- 2
7.2MMoaninChain BloodManhattan Cafe
Runnano Okurimono2020MGray
1- 0- 0- 4
7.0MDiscreet CatIsa Chil RunnaKing Kamehameha
Peach Macaron2022FBay
1- 0- 0- 2
5.5MHokko TarumaeMoon FlightAdmire Moon
Ashaka Blains2021MBay
1- 0- 2- 5
5.0MEspoir CityShill ChocolatierCacoethes
Royal Ibuki2022MChestnut
0- 1- 0- 6
3.8MCopano RickeyHana's Luna PienaAdmire Moon
Tequila Waltz2021FChestnut
0- 1- 0- 8
3.0MAsia ExpressJune WaltzHarbinger
Tomoja Eve2022MBrown
0- 1- 0- 2
2.7MShanghai BobbyShonan KagaribiFrench Deputy
Happy Runna2022FGray
0- 0- 0- 5
1.1MHawkbillIsa Chil RunnaKing Kamehameha
Tomoja Auches2021MDark Bay
1- 0- 0- 8
0.8MHokko TarumaeMinas GeraisManhattan Cafe
 1-30 of 44≪previous30 1 2  next30≫ 

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