Race Info > Masahiro Otake - Jockey

Masahiro Otake

Trainer NameMasahiro Otake[Active] BelongEAST
Age[sex]54[male] Career17
Date of birth30Dec1969 Lifetime win361
mark stands for sevice of VIP member
Overview Records Grade win Year Horse Fav Condition Venue Distance Jockey

Year select


Flat race

Jockey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Y.Shibat 420107140.2860.4290.42900
T.Ono 2311016230.0870.2170.26100
T.Yokoya 222008140.1430.2860.42900
A.Sugawa 20000350.4000.4000.40000
C.Lemair 12201280.1250.3750.62500
D.Sasaki 121304110.0910.2730.36400
K.Maruta 1204110180.0560.1670.16700
H.Tanabe 11000240.2500.5000.50000
R.Piechu 10020140.2500.2500.25000
Y.Ishika 10001020.5000.5000.50000


Jockey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
K.Oehara 10000011.0001.0001.00000
Y.Onoder 10000011.0001.0001.00000
T.Kusano 01000010.0001.0001.00000
Y.Igaras 00100010.0000.0001.00000
S.Ueno 00010010.0000.0000.00000

Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA