Race Info > Hiroyuki Uchida - Condition

Hiroyuki Uchida

Jockey NameHiroyuki Uchida[Active] BelongEAST Career17
Age[sex]54[male] Belonging trainerFree Lifitime rides13,797
Date of birth26Jul1970 License sortingFlat race Lifetime wins1,358
mark stands for sevice of VIP member
Overview Records Grade win Year Fav Condition Venue Distance Trainer

Year select


Track Condition

Track 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Turf 274813971310.0150.0690.09900
Dirt 10141018191572300.0430.1040.14800
Steeplechase ------------------------


Round 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Clockwise 610817141331880.0320.0850.12800
Anti-clockwise 61169171161670.0360.1020.13800
Straight 00001560.0000.0000.00000


Condition 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Firm 053411811040.0000.0480.07700
Good 2203113210.0950.1900.19000
Yielding 00111360.0000.0000.16700
Soft ------------------------


Condition 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Standard 910711111101600.0560.1190.16300
Good 1304629430.0230.0930.09300
Muddy 0133217260.0000.0380.15400
Sloppy 00000110.0000.0000.00000


Condition 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
Firm ------------------------
Good ------------------------
Yielding ------------------------
Soft ------------------------

Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA