Race Info > Bellypha - Progeny


Deregistration M48 Gray 1976
Earnings0.0M (JPY)
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[ Result ] [ Progeny ]
Results(All) Pedigree Results(year) Progeny Condition Venue Distance

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Horse name Born Sex Colour Record Earnings Sire Dam Dam's Sire
Osumi Point1990MGray
3- 0- 3-17
100.9MBellyphaPoint GetterSilver Shark
Belle Epoque1991FGray
5- 6- 4-18
82.3MBellyphaGaebaleGallant Man
Mejiro Lely1990FBay
2- 3- 0- 8
53.8MBellyphaCat LongchampChateaugay
Snort Breeze1990FGray
3- 1- 4-24
45.8MBellyphaYutaka BizenCoined Silver
Strong Laurel1991GBay
3- 1- 2-12
45.5MBellyphaSnow ParadiseMaruzensky
Dragon Bellypha1992MGray
3- 3- 2-23
43.7MBellyphaChateau DancerDancer's Image
Ein Groom1995MGray
2- 4- 6-34
41.2MBellyphaLiebhaber MamieArtaius
Easter Sunday1990FBay
2- 3- 5-20
29.6MBellyphaEaster ParadeSupreme Gift
Belle Saison1991FGray
3- 0- 0-13
27.4MBellyphaVain GoldMr. Prospector
Machikane Plutarch1990MGray
2- 2- 1- 1
27.3MBellyphaNifty and NeatVigors
Tayasu Otsuka1992MBay
3- 1- 0-19
20.3MBellyphaDiana TholonPartholon
Monte Rosa1994FGray
1- 1- 5-29
19.0MBellyphaBrain StormHopefully On
Max Wiser1991MBay
2- 0- 0- 5
16.9MBellyphaMax BeautyBravest Roman
1- 3- 2-12
16.4MBellyphaNative WonderValdez
Makiba Silent1992FGray
0- 0- 1- 0
16.0MBellyphaScaldingRaise a Native
Mighty Bio1990MBay
1- 1- 3- 2
15.3MBellyphaShambaraTosho Boy
Crystal Arch1991MGray
1- 2- 1-21
15.2MBellyphaBright ArchDiatome
Haya Katsu Star1990MGray
1- 1- 2-13
15.0MBellyphaFudo GoldMojabe
Wide Seton1994MBay
0- 2- 5-15
14.7MBellyphaWide GekkoHagino Kamui O
Tama Dai Hope1990MGray
1- 0- 2-16
10.9MBellyphaOkano FighterValley Forge
Melrose Queen1993FBay
1- 0- 1-32
10.9MBellyphaAlgecirasReal Shadai
Aida Bamboo1991FGray
1- 2- 1- 5
10.3MBellyphaOrange ChansonHabat
Tai Mystic1991FGray
1- 2- 0-10
10.2MBellyphaTai BattleTai Tehm
Mejiro Asagiri1991MGray
1- 2- 0- 2
9.8MBellyphaMejiro HiryuNever Beat
Daiwa Wellington1993MGray
1- 1- 0-13
9.5MBellyphaLady ShiraokiSaint Crespin
Fujino Major1990MBay
1- 1- 1- 4
9.3MBellyphaShoei SuzuranSteel Heart
Hokkai Lefrane1993FGray
0- 3- 1- 6
9.1MBellyphaMiss Henny PennyTom Rolfe
Yuwa Chief1991MBay
1- 0- 1-21
9.0MBellyphaHeian KomachiReal Shadai
Shimano Cynthia1992FGray
1- 1- 0-12
8.9MBellyphaDown CheetaCougar
Angel Sword1990MGray
1- 0- 1- 8
8.8MBellyphaHiro TenshiLombardo
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