Race Info > Hashi Kotobuki - Progeny

Hashi Kotobuki

Deregistration M50 Bay 1974
Earnings0.0M (JPY)
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Results(All) Pedigree Results(year) Progeny Condition Venue Distance

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Horse name Born Sex Colour Record Earnings Sire Dam Dam's Sire
Sugahara Tenjin1985MDark Bay
11- 2- 6-22
183.9MHashi KotobukiGolden ArmGolden Plume
Maruichi Teio1984MChestnut
4-11- 7-41
104.9MHashi KotobukiHarbor AtsukoSilver Shark
Maruichi Raiden1985MBay
5- 4- 1-15
68.0MHashi KotobukiHarbor AtsukoSilver Shark
Junior Teio1986MBay
4- 3- 3-16
51.9MHashi KotobukiAsakusa CenterCapito
Ibuki Kaneru1982MDark Bay
0- 1- 0- 8
50.7MHashi KotobukiKane JollyGrey Monarch
Maruka Ikki1983MBay
3- 3- 1-11
43.8MHashi KotobukiSakura LevinNeptunus
Maruichi Isao1986MBay
3- 4- 0-14
34.4MHashi KotobukiHarbor AtsukoSilver Shark
Miss Nagoya1983FBay
1- 2- 2-22
13.4MHashi KotobukiKunino HoraiNeptunus
Boast Story1986FBay
2- 0- 0-26
13.0MHashi KotobukiHappy KoganeDie Hard
Junior Queen1988FDark Bay
1- 0- 1-17
9.1MHashi KotobukiAsakusa CenterCapito
Omi Taiyo1982MBay
0- 0- 0- 0
6.6MHashi KotobukiGood SpeedRatification
Hirono Uzuki1986MDark Bay
0- 1- 0-15
6.3MHashi KotobukiMachikane AtomDiatome
Sugahara Daughter1982FBay
0- 0- 0- 0
6.0MHashi KotobukiGolden ArmGolden Plume
Junior Kotobuki1984FDark Bay
1- 0- 0-14
5.3MHashi KotobukiKita MatchDarannour
Red Side1991MChestnut
0- 1- 0- 4
2.0MHashi KotobukiRed FantasyRed Ruler
Sugahara Ruby1983FDark Bay
0- 0- 0- 4
1.8MHashi KotobukiGolden ArmGolden Plume
Yamano Daibosatsu1985FBrown
0- 0- 0-19
1.7MHashi KotobukiBull HoraiPleben
Hinode Kailas1992MBay
0- 0- 0-15
0.5MHashi KotobukiRed FantasyRed Ruler
Tsuyuno Typhoon1990FChestnut
0- 0- 0-12
0.0MHashi KotobukiMaruka ShiokazeHopefully On
Sugahara Shindo1986MChestnut
0- 0- 0- 3
0.0MHashi KotobukiGolden ArmGolden Plume
Ibuki Long Day1986FDark Bay
0- 0- 0- 6
0.0MHashi KotobukiSakura LevinNeptunus
Momoyama Raifuku1987GChestnut
0- 0- 0-10
0.0MHashi KotobukiKane SweetTamanar
Asakusa Sempu1989FDark Bay
0- 0- 0- 0
0.0MHashi KotobukiAsakusa CenterCapito
Sugahara Kannon1987MChestnut
0- 0- 0- 5
0.0MHashi KotobukiGolden ArmGolden Plume
Maruichi Katsura1987FBay
0- 0- 0- 3
0.0MHashi KotobukiHarbor AtsukoSilver Shark
Maruichi Meiho1989FChestnut
0- 0- 0- 5
0.0MHashi KotobukiHarbor AtsukoSilver Shark
Junior Emperor1989MBay
0- 0- 0-16
0.0MHashi KotobukiMaruka ShiokazeHopefully On
Horai Grand Prix1982FBay
0- 0- 0- 0
0.0MHashi KotobukiKunino KiyokoDai Koter
Mori Applause1992FChestnut
0- 0- 0- 4
0.0MHashi KotobukiMayano LuckyLucky Sovereign
Asakusa Roman1982FBay
0- 0- 0- 0
0.0MHashi KotobukiSachi CrownTulyartos
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Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA