Tip coliseum > e93d887d2e's Profile - Lastest tips

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e93d887d2e G3G3G3  (Total Rank:351, Tounament Rank:140)
e93d887d2e Profile

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Latest Tips
Date No.of Races Hit Rate Return Rate Betting Payout Winnings
14 Sep 24/24R 70% 154% 209,600JPY 323,780JPY 114,180JPY
15 Sep 19/19R 52% 99% 160,200JPY 159,120JPY -1,080JPY
16 Sep 19/19R 63% 120% 168,000JPY 201,950JPY 33,950JPY

Latest Tips

14 Sep | 15 Sep | 16 Sep

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