Tip coliseum > anadoru's Tip3yoMaiden - 9/6/2018 Hanshin3R
anadoru's Tip 3勝3勝3勝3勝  Latest tips>>
09 Jun 2018 Hanshin 10:55
3R 3yoMaiden
Dirt 1800m Weight for Age
Added Money (JPY) 5.0M 2.0M 1.3M 0.8M 0.5M

Required Gold(VIP member) 50G
Required Point(VIP member) 500P
Required Gold(Normal member) 100G
Required Point(Normal member) 1000P
Place BN HN Horse Name Sex/Age Weight Jockey Odds Tip Mark
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1 6 11 Admire Victor M3 56.0 Y.Iwata 8.3
2 5 10 Suave Aramis M3 56.0 D.Matsud 12.5
3 7 13 Work and Work M3 55.0 R.Kozaki 5.3
4 3 5 Arma Top End M3 54.0 A.Tomita 22.4
5 6 12 Meiner Sablier M3 56.0 M.Shibat 238.5
6 3 6 Latino Heat M3 56.0 H.Miyuki 36.5
7 8 15 Suzuka Village M3 56.0 F.Matsuw 59.9
8 7 14 Contento M3 56.0 Y.Kawada 2.6
9 2 4 Rugger Superb M3 53.0 A.Nishim 311.3
10 4 7 Vincent M3 56.0 Y.Kitamu 8.8
11 1 1 Win Lucas M3 54.0 K.Kawama 6.8
12 2 3 King and I M3 56.0 Y.Fujiok 10.0
13 1 2 Maple Top M3 56.0 Y.Nagaok 279.8
14 8 16 Echetlos M3 56.0 F.Komaki 100.2
15 4 8 Boa Vista M3 56.0 R.Wada 49.7
EC 5 9 Amano Brian M3 56.0 R.Samesh --

Open Range

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Show Normal 13 10,000JPY 13 180JPY Hit!

Total Betting

Betting:10000JPY  Payout:18000JPY  Winnings:8000JPY

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