Tip coliseum > 5724fee1d8's Tip4yo&upAllowance - 24/2/2018 Hanshin12R
5724fee1d8's Tip オープンオープンオープンオープン  Latest tips>>
24 Feb 2018 Hanshin 16:10
12R 4yo&UpAllowance
Turf 1600m Special Weight
Added Money (JPY) 10.5M 4.2M 2.6M 1.6M 1.1M

Required Gold(VIP member) 50G
Required Point(VIP member) 500P
Required Gold(Normal member) 100G
Required Point(Normal member) 1000P
Place BN HN Horse Name Sex/Age Weight Jockey Odds Tip Mark
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1 1 1 Queen's Best F5 55.0 Y.Take 5.0
2 2 2 To the Crown M4 57.0 C.Lemair 2.4
3 3 3 Terra Nova F5 55.0 M.Demuro 3.8
4 7 8 Brillare M4 57.0 K.Ikezoe 21.6
5 8 10 Rottenmeier F5 55.0 Y.Kawada 4.4
6 8 11 Sound Burning M6 57.0 R.Wada 95.8
7 5 5 Tagano Asura M4 57.0 K.Kokubu 16.5
8 6 6 Admire Tsuyoshi M8 57.0 H.Kawasu 235.3
9 6 7 Feldberg F4 55.0 S.Hamana 61.8
10 7 9 Ken Schnauzer M4 56.0 S.Kato 242.4 ×
11 4 4 Sound Applause M6 57.0 Y.Fukuna 74.5

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Quinella Box 125 each3,300JPY 1 - 2 570JPY Hit!

Total Betting

Betting:9900JPY  Payout:18810JPY  Winnings:8910JPY

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