Tip coliseum > MAKKY's TipSAUDIARABIA ROYALCUP G3 - 7/10/2017 Tokyo11R
MAKKY's Tip 3勝3勝3勝3勝  Latest tips>>
07 Oct 2017 Tokyo 15:45
Turf 1600m Weight for Age
Added Money (JPY) 33.0M 13.0M 8.3M 5.0M 3.3M

Required Gold(VIP member) 40G
Required Point(VIP member) 400P
Required Gold(Normal member) 80G
Required Point(Normal member) 800P
Place BN HN Horse Name Sex/Age Weight Jockey Odds Tip Mark
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○ 2nd Pick
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△ Good
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Short Comment
1 1 2 Danon Premium M2 55.0 Y.Kawada 3.6
2 8 16 Stelvio M2 55.0 C.Lemair 2.6
3 7 13 Carbonado M2 55.0 Y.Iwata 16.6
4 7 14 Tenku M2 55.0 H.Tanabe 8.8
5 2 3 Schwarz Bomber M2 55.0 Y.Fukuna 11.2
6 3 6 Double Sharp M2 55.0 Y.Ishika 9.4
7 5 9 Cosmo in the Heart M2 55.0 D.Shibat 36.2
8 8 18 Ruggero M2 55.0 K.Tosaki 34.3
9 7 15 Soil to the Soul M2 55.0 K.Tanaka 110.6
10 2 4 Bowls F2 54.0 F.Komaki 52.9
11 1 1 Engrosser M2 55.0 K.Miura 113.3
12 6 11 Meiner Saai Roang M2 55.0 A.Tsumur 314.9
13 5 10 Violent Blow M2 55.0 H.Uchida 151.4
14 6 12 Meisho Dodo M2 55.0 H.Yoshid 199.0
15 3 5 Hakusan Fuero M2 55.0 S.Ishiba 42.7
16 4 8 Merum Sal M2 55.0 T.Eda 330.8
17 8 17 Suave Edward M2 55.0 H.Shii 35.2
18 4 7 Star River F2 54.0 T.Ono 377.8

Open Range

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Trifecta Formation 231416 - 1781011 - 2313141618 each100JPY

Total Betting

Betting:10000JPY  Payout:0JPY  Winnings:-10000JPY

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