Race Info > Sunshine Forever - Progeny

Sunshine Forever

Deregistration M39 Bay 1985
Earnings0.0M (JPY)
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Pedigree ][ Progeny ]
Hail to Reason
Outward Sunshine
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[ Result ] [ Progeny ]
Results(All) Pedigree Results(year) Progeny Condition Venue Distance

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Horse name Born Sex Colour Record Earnings Sire Dam Dam's Sire
Rocket Punch2000MBay
3- 9- 1-39
77.4MSunshine ForeverRoman NishikiNorthern Taste
Grass Clever1997FBay
4- 5- 1-46
68.2MSunshine ForeverMarie ChristyMaruzensky
Make My Day1998MBay
3- 2- 1- 9
60.9MSunshine ForeverMeisho YukikazeDyna Gulliver
Freno Captain1999MBay
2- 1- 2-12
57.1MSunshine ForeverIbuki Lucky DayPolish Navy
Erimo Romance1997FBay
3- 2- 4-19
44.5MSunshine ForeverPassing PeaceArtaius
Hakuryu Ho1998MDark Bay
3- 4- 3-12
38.1MSunshine ForeverHokuten AllTosho Boy
Asaka Glory1997FBay
2- 4- 1-20
36.5MSunshine ForeverRioshammeRiverman
Pearl Pierce1998FBay
3- 3- 0-39
33.2MSunshine ForeverSovereign DreamNo Attention
Racing Bullet1997MChestnut
1- 2- 4-10
31.3MSunshine ForeverToho PointViceregal
Samson White1998MChestnut
2- 3- 1-23
30.1MSunshine ForeverShunichi OkanFloribunda
Foundry Hikari1998FChestnut
1- 2- 3-29
25.2MSunshine ForeverTaiki Summer KissJade Robbery
2- 0- 0- 6
21.7MSunshine ForeverPretty AceGorytus
Red Tijuana1999FBay
3- 0- 5- 8
21.4MSunshine ForeverIce SkyWoodman
Sunshine Time1998FBay
1- 2- 1-21
14.2MSunshine ForeverGlowskyMaruzensky
Aino Forever1998MChestnut
1- 1- 4-18
13.8MSunshine ForeverAino SachiKolymsky
Violet Biko1998FBay
1- 1- 0- 7
10.8MSunshine ForeverNearNorthern Dancer
Reward Endeavor1998MBay
1- 0- 1-11
8.2MSunshine ForeverJono Mon PetitAswan
Power Taisho1997MBay
1- 0- 1-15
8.1MSunshine ForeverLuck HosekiWassl Touch
Hashino Tiger1997MGray
0- 1- 1-18
7.9MSunshine ForeverHashino YukigeshoLucky Sovereign
Young Ford1997MChestnut
1- 0- 0- 7
7.1MSunshine ForeverYoung OtohimeLucky Sovereign
Soprano Voice1997FDark Bay
1- 0- 1- 9
6.9MSunshine ForeverSoft VoiceNureyev
Shigeru Zircon1997MBay
1- 0- 1- 6
6.9MSunshine ForeverCrystal ShoesNonoalco
Laurel Arrow1997MDark Bay
0- 1- 1- 9
6.8MSunshine ForeverBest RomanBravest Roman
Winkle Soon1997FChestnut
1- 0- 1-13
6.6MSunshine ForeverWishing for a StarMr. Prospector
Shining City1997MBay
0- 2- 1-16
5.8MSunshine ForeverPyreneesStradavinsky
1- 0- 0-17
5.6MSunshine ForeverStrong GalNonoalco
Tagajo Pil Sung2000MBay
0- 2- 0- 6
5.1MSunshine ForeverDeb MarieKing Glorious
Ryu Shun1997FChestnut
1- 0- 0- 8
5.1MSunshine ForeverLucky DollNichido Arashi
Mikino Forever1998FBay
1- 0- 0- 5
5.1MSunshine ForeverCentral EarthPewter Grey
Cinquantenaire1998FDark Bay
0- 1- 0-16
4.0MSunshine ForeverWin WhistleSo Blessed
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