Tip coliseum > Tips by Race - 5 May 2024
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5 May  Tips 40,072  Hits 11,581  update:10 May 2024 00:08
R Niigata Tokyo Kyoto
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
1 3yoMaiden -- 903 210 174,200 3yoMaiden -- 1,007 342 687,000 3yoMaiden -- 920 138 2,206,600
2 3yoMaiden -- 890 337 535,000 3yoMaiden -- 960 554 159,500 3yoMaiden -- 919 181 355,000
3 3yoMaiden -- 883 43 476,600 3yoMaiden -- 986 255 1,058,000 3yoMaiden -- 1,016 526 63,680
4 4yo&UpMaiden -- 729 230 264,000 3yoMaiden -- 960 402 140,400 3yoMaiden -- 899 154 213,050
5 3yoMaiden -- 847 153 1,445,000 3yoAllowance -- 1,045 535 242,000 3yoMaiden -- 929 184 36,000
6 4yo&UpAllowa -- 914 262 421,400 4yo&UpAllowa -- 913 245 238,500 3yoAllowance -- 991 243 296,550
7 4yo&UpAllowa -- 883 340 237,000 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,007 515 80,000 4yo&UpAllowa -- 919 384 477,000
8 4yo&UpAllowa -- 923 288 345,900 4yo&UpAllowa -- 975 340 251,000 4yo&UpAllowa -- 970 88 12,171,720
9 SAKIHANA TOK -- 1,073 193 315,250 BUBAIGAWARA -- 1,152 269 147,000 KARASUMA STA -- 1,046 412 113,000
10 SHUMPU STAKE -- 1,262 545 163,000 JRA ULTRA PR -- 1,533 428 1,516,000 TACHIBANA ST -- 1,353 346 109,550
11 NIIGATA DAIS -- 2,134 526 1,182,600 NHK MILE CUP -- 2,904 1,071 205,740 KURAMA STAKE -- 1,535 142 1,284,560
12 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,078 403 101,000 HIYOSHI TOKU -- 1,427 198 602,200 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,187 99 1,514,580