Tip coliseum > Tips by Race - 28 Jan 2024
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28 Jan  Tips 42,939  Hits 14,194  update:02 Feb 2024 00:08
R Tokyo Kyoto Kokura
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
Race Time
Tips Hits Highest
1 3yoMaiden -- 1,107 449 147,000 3yoMaiden -- 1,185 520 276,000 3yoMaiden -- 983 313 363,840
2 3yoNewcomer -- 971 137 229,500 3yoMaiden -- 1,071 227 499,000 3yoMaiden -- 978 160 6,074,800
3 3yoMaiden -- 1,073 335 231,300 3yoMaiden -- 1,051 487 136,010 4yo&UpAllowa -- 957 440 383,000
4 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,105 244 239,550 3yoAllowance -- 1,043 227 363,320 4yo&UpMaiden -- 809 468 93,000
5 3yoNewcomer -- 902 200 363,600 3yoNewcomer -- 878 312 87,750 3yoNewcomer -- 818 100 158,820
6 3yoMaiden -- 1,065 421 205,000 3yoMaiden -- 1,043 331 547,400 3yoMaiden -- 936 421 72,770
7 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,095 376 500,640 4yo&UpAllowa -- 974 255 456,000 4yo&UpAllowa -- 947 472 167,400
8 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,170 302 114,450 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,100 406 916,750 4yo&UpAllowa -- 956 192 2,530,000
9 SAINTPAULIA -- 1,264 510 674,000 OTSU TOKUBET -- 1,224 594 183,000 KUSUNOKI SHO -- 1,147 397 249,550
10 SETSUBUN STA -- 1,582 558 339,800 YASAKA STAKE -- 1,590 528 903,500 HITA TOKUBET -- 1,261 210 396,880
11 NEGISHI STAK -- 2,633 803 237,500 SILK ROAD ST -- 2,499 1,266 172,380 GANRYUJIMA S -- 1,663 170 178,700
12 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,437 721 193,000 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,213 347 327,500 4yo&UpAllowa -- 1,209 295 1,090,250