Race Info > Shoichi Osaki - Year

Shoichi Osaki

Jockey NameShoichi Osaki[Deregistration] BelongEAST Career--
Age[sex]--[male] Belonging trainerFree Lifitime rides8,884
Date of birth15Jan1945 License sortingFlat race Lifetime wins970
mark stands for sevice of VIP member
Overview Records Grade win Year Fav Condition Venue Distance Trainer

Flat race

Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win Ranking
1998 4234350670.0600.0900.13400----
1997 5681071251620.0310.0680.11700----
1996 9161514251642440.0370.1020.16400----
1995 21232521211923030.0690.1450.22800----
1994 32313230231763260.0980.1930.29101----
1993 27282424381903360.0800.1640.23500----
1992 39362519211993400.1150.2210.29411----
1991 13233020161362400.0540.1500.27501----
1990 29182021231372500.1160.1880.26802----
1989 29313734231563120.0930.1920.31101----
1988 47252647281763510.1340.2050.27901----
1987 43424342351943990.1080.2130.32101----
1986 41373345391623570.1150.2180.31100----


Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA