Race Info > Nanako Fujita - Trainer

Nanako Fujita

Jockey NameNanako Fujita[Active] BelongEAST Career9
Age[sex]27[female] Belonging trainerY.Nemoto Lifitime rides3,890
Date of birth9Aug1997 License sortingFlat race Lifetime wins166
mark stands for sevice of VIP member
Overview Records Grade win Year Fav Condition Venue Distance Trainer

Year select


Flat race

Trainer 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win
S.Homma 21010590.2220.3330.33300
Y.Nemoto 1464640610.0160.0820.18000
T.Nakaga 11000020.5001.0001.00000
K.Kayano 10101580.1250.1250.25000
T.Chaki 10000011.0001.0001.00000
M.Fukaya 021109130.0000.1540.23100
I.Murata 01100240.0000.2500.50000
Y.Kitade 01010130.0000.3330.33300
T.Ebina 0100110120.0000.0830.08300
S.Temma 01000230.0000.3330.33300


Trainer 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Below Total Win ratio Top2 ratio Top3 ratio GI win Grade win

Please refer to official results,dividends,odds of JRA