Pro tipster MAX > Result Overview - Last 30days

Result Overview

This is the ranking of the results of professional tipsters.   >> What is the Semi-Pro?
All past tips on Umanity are tabulated and made public.
With these rankings you can see at a glance what kind of tip results the various tipsters have achieved in the past.
If you click the arrow ▼ next to each item, you can sort the list by that item.


Last Week  | Last 30days  | 2024(YR)  | 2023(YR)  | 2022(YR)  | 2021(YR)  | 2020(YR)  | 2019(YR)  | 2018(YR)  | 2017(YR)  | Lifetime
Tipster Name Return
145% 39% 38R 38,910 1,216 4.1
104% 23% 55R 18,930 7,508 23.4
101% 19% 335R 47,500 555 1.0
94% 22% 135R -73,200 726 2.9
93% 23% 17R -11,680 12,772 40.4
90% 16% 323R -106,080 717 1.4
88% 17% 292R -24,330 1,101 3.1
86% 5% 336R -444,650 15,766 9.4
85% 30% 279R -130,060 2,140 12.1
84% 19% 96R -59,320 1,900 6.0
84% 31% 323R -493,730 443 2.6
83% 27% 324R -528,030 699 2.9
82% 17% 271R -190,870 649 1.3
80% 80% 336R -650,210 376 8.7
77% 11% 157R -344,690 3,792 12.2
76% 35% 294R -265,530 1,092 9.0
75% 30% 302R -328,220 1,508 10.1
73% 28% 224R -314,860 1,993 11.9
72% 9% 336R -389,200 1,367 4.7
72% 20% 332R -647,240 1,755 5.8
72% 25% 226R -618,330 2,179 18.5
72% 32% 323R -365,640 289 1.2
67% 30% 226R -717,360 3,369 29.4
67% 14% 226R -722,980 18,826 62.6
67% 19% 336R -536,840 1,973 11.0
67% 34% 256R -508,300 1,507 7.7
65% 26% 226R -749,340 4,121 25.2
65% 19% 46R -158,610 2,846 17.0
65% 42% 173R -274,840 3,159 26.3
65% 18% 336R -890,600 354 1.0
64% 28% 336R -649,890 1,027 6.1
64% 16% 36R -129,120 3,875 10.7
61% 43% 140R -503,310 2,232 36.1
61% 18% 336R -1,287,690 482 1.5
60% 29% 336R -1,322,480 2,689 20.0
58% 16% 149R -223,010 1,089 9.2
56% 6% 324R -1,399,350 5,145 5.5
48% 32% 43R -148,860 1,422 22.2
41% 17% 312R -1,780,700 17,525 79.0
28% 11% 34R -203,500 1,565 6.3